Past Projects

Camp Quality

Established in White River by Past President Brian Hyson, Camp Quality recently celebrated its 23rd camp at Uplands Preparatory School and Uplands College campus in White River. Up to 40 children suffering from cancer, often from disadvantaged backgrounds, are invited to White River for a week of fun and adventure, whilst in the care of Rotarians and medical assistance.

Kruger Park Outing for Senior Citizens

This popular and much anticipated annual event to the Kruger Park for up to 60 senior citizens, includes transport in a luxury bus, refreshments and lunch, plus, of course, a full day’s game viewing.


Masoyi Special Care Centre

Established some years ago with substantial funding from the White River Rotary Club and other donors, this day care facility caters for up to 50 mentally and physically disabled children. Apart from helping with monthly running costs, we liaise with the Department of Health in providing physical therapy and nutritional advice.